Fedecamaras: 81% Of Venezuelan Businesses Are Negatively Affected By Sanctions

Caracas, 9 February 2024.

This article was originally published in Forbes.

Fedecamaras president Adan Celis.
Fedecamaras president Adan Celis has worked as a banking executive, and is now the chairman of a company in the packaging industry with operations across Latin America.FEDECAMARAS.

81% of Venezuelan private companies are negatively affected by sanctions, according to a survey conducted by Fedecamaras published early in January.

Fedecamaras is Venezuela’s largest business federation. The survey asked private sector leaders from all economic sectors across the country about their worries and expectations.

Some effects of sanctions are indirect, according to the survey. 84% of respondents complained about the lack of fuel, and 89% about faults in the electric grid. The local energy sector has suffered extensively from underinvestment, the inability to buy inputs or contract expertise.

Due to the lack of public services, many businesses have had to develop their own infrastructure, including electricity generation plants and water wells. In many cases, they must also provide social security for employees that would otherwise be at the expense of the now cash-strapped state.

The survey also found that the lack of finance was the main factor limiting operations. While Venezuela’s public sector is directly targeted by sanctions, the private sector suffers from overcompliance and reputational risk. It also must survive in an environment where state capacity and retail consumption are severely limited.

While sanctions are not the root cause of the economic crisis in Venezuela, Adan Celis, president of Fedecamaras, argues that sanctions have pushed away opportunities for the country to grow and transform.

“Because of overcompliance, foreign banks and corporations do not want anything to do with us. It has become very difficult open bank accounts in many countries including the U.S., even if sanctions do not target us specifically.”

Venezuelan businesses also have higher costs as they must use intermediaries or buy from geographically distanced or lesser-quality suppliers, as opposed to the U.S., which used to be their natural market. Without access to credit, they must also pay in advance.

The president of Fedecamaras also believes that sanctions have been a failed policy, “as the country is in an even worse state.”

Celis argues that a political transformation will be difficult with the current economic hardship. “People cannot afford to care about freedom, when they are just focused on having food on their table.”

Sanctions are not the only worry for Celis and the business community. “We need to change the legal environment. We must have legal security and move away from a rentier economy into a productive one. It is already happening, but we need our system to recognize this. For a century here, the people have depended on the state. Now the state depends more and more on the people.”

“We must recognize that we have been making progress, some substantial improvements for the economy. It is important to continue in the search for greater economic freedoms for the Venezuelan business community.”

“Fedecamaras is an organization that for eighty years has remained faithful to its principles in defense of freedom, democracy and the free development of economic initiative”, concludes Celis.

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